Friday, January 31
4:30 Check-In/ Snacks Harper Center - 2nd Floor Atrium
5:00 Opening Remarks Dr. Michael Kavan, PhD
Associate Dean, Student Affairs
Creighton University School of Medicine
Harper Auditorium
5:20 Keynote Speaker #1 Home is Where the Heart is…But…What Does That Mean?
Dr. Kandis McCafferty, PhD, RN
Executive Consultant - Blue Cross Blue Shield Nebraska
Forensic Nurse Examiner - CHI Health
Harper Auditorium
6:30 Breakout A
Breakout 1 Home and Health
Dr. Charles Filipi, MD, FACS
Professor of Surgery
Creighton University School of Medicine
Harper Auditorium
Breakout 2 Beyond “Safe Spaces”: Implementing Evidence-Based IPV
Strategies for LGBTQ+ Youth
Andrew Aleman, MSW
Clinical Social Worker
Harper 2045
Breakout 3 ReThinking the Internet: Finding Our Homes on Social Media
Trisha Prabhu
Founder and CEO of ReThink
Harper 2072
7:30 Optional Networking
Saturday, February 1
7:30 Check-In Harper Center - 2nd Floor Atrium
8:00 Opening Remarks Dr. Jane Stein, PharmD
Assistant Professor
Creighton School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
Harper Auditorium
8:10 Keynote Speaker #2 Homelessness: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
Dr. Margot Kushel, MD
Professor of Medicine, University of California - San Francisco
Director - UCSF Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative
Harper Auditorium
9:20 Breakout B
Breakout #1 Healing on the Streets: Integrating Street Medicine to
Reframe Health Equity, Housing, and Human Connection
Dr. Melissa Dittberner, PhD, CPS, PS, LMT
Executive Director - Midwest Street Medicine Lecturer - University of South Dakota
Harper Auditorium
Breakout #2 Homes Away from Home: Health through an Immigrant Perspective
Khenda Mustafa, Magda Batiz Salazar, and Monica Meier
Center for Immigrant and Refugee Advancement - Panel
Harper 2045
Breakout #3 Climate Solutions offer Health-Promoting Interventions
Dr. Jonathan Patz, MD, MPH
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor & John P. Holton Chair of Health and the Environment
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Harper 2072
10:20 Keynote Speaker #3 Planetary Health: The Urgency of Now
Dr. Megan Latshaw, PhD, MHS
Associate Scientist, Department of Environmental Health & Engineering
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Harper Auditorium
11:30 Breakout C
Breakout #1 Community & Staff Engagement: Our Way
Dr. Mona Zuffante, PhD *GPNAHS
Chief Public Health Officer
Winnebago Public Health Department
Harper Auditorium
Breakout #2 Lead Poisoning Prevention in the Nation’s Largest Lead Residential Superfund Site
Naudia McCracken, MPH
Supervisor - Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
Douglas County Health Department
Harper 2045
Breakout #3 Siena Francis House - The Cottages Project
Linda Twomey
Executive Director/CEO of Siena Francis House
12:20 Lunch & IPE Event Harper - 2nd Floor Classrooms
1:20 Keynote Speaker #4 Unity of Community: Creating Transformational Healthcare
Opportunities to Advance Tribal Health
Dr. Janelle Ali-Dinar, PhD *GPNAHS
CEO - SCHC Health
Harper Auditorium
2:30 Research Symposium Harper 2057/2058
Session 1: 2:30 - 3:15 pm
Session 2 : 3:30 - 4:15 pm
2:30 Community Fair Harper Main Level Atrium
*GPNAHS: Great Plains Native American Health Symposium